Cela, and I love every minute we spend foraging, trekking, and mapping meals all across the beautiful Province we call home. Every GetJoyfull adventure is ripe with discovery, and without fail brings us closer to the food on our table, and each other.
“Sorry, sweet girl we cannot take your favourite cow, “Patches” home.
On a recent GetJoyfull Food Trip to Cheslen Dairies, tucked away in beautiful St. Albert, we discovered a whole new world of dairy farming. And, invaluable life lessons courtesy of the amazing Crozier Family.

The Crozier’s have seen a lot grow, and change in their 170 years of dairy farming. Five generations of experiences, and stories. Hardships, and joys. Traditions, and innovations. Imagine. The Crozier’s are a close-knit crew, and during our time together it was evident that no matter what has changed, the most important things remain the same.

An uncompromising commitment to quality. A passion for animal care, and cow comfort. And, strong family roots.
First up, let’s get to know Amy Crozier.
I am in awe of women in agriculture. They’re leaders, farmers, and professionals. They’re spouses, moms, daughters, and grandmas. Take a minute to meet Amy Crozier—super-mom, and agronomist-extraordinaire. Amy is a hands-on expert with a remarkable understanding of the deep-rooted connection between healthy soil, and healthy food. Her story, and life’s work is everything that’s good from the ground up.
As two scientists, Amy, and I have a lot in common. A love of research, and evidence. As two moms, it was more of the same. A love of food, and family. I left Cheslen Dairies with a new understanding of soil, and impact on the quality of our food supply. It’s estimated that 95% of our food is directly or indirectly produced on our soils. Healthy soils truly are the foundation of our food system!

As an agronomist, Amy is a liaison between producers, and crop researchers. She reviews detailed research findings, and prepares recommendations for Alberta farmers. Farmers like her husband, Jason Crozier. Agronomists see to it that new developments in crop varieties, disease and pest control, crop rotation, and tillage systems are implemented into growing operations. Operations that support optimal soil health, and nutrient-dense fodder, and forage.
Cela, and I have a whole new appreciation for the humble earthworm, and budding ear of corn. Thank you, Amy for sharing your time, expertise, and food joy with the GetJoyfull crew.
Be sure to check out Part 2: GetJoyfull with the Crozier’s, and get to know Amy’s husband, and fifth generation dairy farmer Jason Crozier.
Thanks to our friends at Alberta Milk, and Dairy Farmers of Canada for contributing to the GetJoyfull movement, and supporting Alberta family farms. Your help in making this post possible is greatly appreciated!
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