Registered Dietitian, mama of three, award-winning television host & producer and proud Alberta foodie.
As CEO of Food First Nutrition Consulting and founder of GetJoyfull, I’m passionate about fostering healthy food relationships, cultivating positive eating environments, and sourcing quality ingredients for yummy recipes that empower wellness and bring families together.
Follow our GetJoyfull community on social media or stop by the GetJoyfull blog for nutrition advice, cooking ideas and kid-approved tips to grow food joy and fill up on family time.
For collaborations, including, social media & television communications, corporate wellness programing, brand partnerships, freelance nutrition writing, webinars and community-based education events etc., please reach out to me directly via email, or phone.
Yours in health & food joy,
The GetJoyfull community is all about connecting with the faces and families behind food and learning more about what goes into the meals we feed our families.
Storytelling and sharing, especially our GetJoyfull Recipe for Mealtime Connection, is at the heart of all we do.
GetJoyfull resources, cookbooks, food trips, feel-good stories and food security advocacy would not be possible without the trust and support of our valued partners.
It is a privilege to work with partners and brands that align with Emily’s nutrition and wellness philosophy, inspire nourishing recipes and share a strong passion to empower healthy families in Alberta and beyond.
We’re excited for all that is possible in the GetJoyfull year to come.
Emily Mardell, RD
GetJoyfull Founder